Shoalhaven Professional Business Association
Membership Benefits
Being the first point of contact for professionals looking to further their career in the Shoalhaven. Members of SPBA are a priority to be contacted for opportunities to secure this expertise.
Being a leader and fostering development of young professionals. As a member, you get the opportunity to interact with the next generation of professionals – some of whom may just be the person you are looking for.
Design of innovative strategies for professional placement. To attract and employ a professional, you often need to place their partner/spouse.
Greater access to opportunities to employing people through established SPBA networks.
Access to education and training links with established partnerships with the University of Wollongong Shoalhaven Campus, TAFE NSW and schools.
Networking and strategic alliance opportunities to foster more growth in your business.
Fellowship and an opportunity in a non-competitive environment, to share experiences of operating your business in the Shoalhaven. Through fellowship your business may be enabled to identify varying solutions to problems and business operations. Shared support and knowledge base of members.
Involvement in, and creation of, events and forums for your team and business.
Business listing and link from the SPBA website to your website gaining your business wider exposure.